Empowering Digital First Consumers

Unleash Limitless Savings, Discover New Possibilities

Discover, connect, and unlock exclusive rewards. Earn cash, perks, and elevate your status at your favorite local hotspots—all while supporting the businesses you love.

How GOTYOU works

Download the free app

Savings and Connection, Simplified
At GOTYOU, our free app connects you with local merchants effortlessly—no email lists, no spam.

Discover and support your favorite businesses while earning real cash rewards for dining, shopping, and exploring. GOTYOU makes it easy, secure, and rewarding—your personal info stays private, and your everyday actions pay off.

Check In and Earn Instantly

Every time you visit, simply refresh the GOTYOU app, select the merchant, and hit Check-In—you’ll instantly earn a cash reward for supporting your favorite local spots!

Earn Status, Perks, and Cash Rewards with Every Visit

After checking in, take it further—leave feedback, answer a quick survey, or refer a friend. Every action earns you $GET tokens, our universal rewards currency, which you can cash out or use to support more local businesses in the GOTYOU network. Explore the many ways you can make real money with GOTYOU while helping your community thrive!

Save Big on Everyday Purchases

Dine out, shop, or catch a movie—and save at thousands of local businesses. GOTYOU turns your everyday spending into real rewards.

Stop juggling multiple apps, emails, SMS messages, or pesky coupons. With $GET tokens, you can earn instantly and spend them at your favorite local spots. Real savings, real rewards, all in one app.


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